Muhammad Ridwan is the managing partner of Noble Law Firm. He graduated from Faculty of Law of Padjadjaran University in 2007. Before established the Noble Law Firm, he was practicing lawyer in several prominent law firms.
He holds Indonesian Bar license of PERADI, he also holds administrator and solicitor of bankruptcy license.
He has both litigation and non-litigation legal skills.
He has many experiences in banking and finance (both conventional and sharia) as he provided a retainer-basis services to several banks such as PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk. and PT. Bank Panin Dubai Syariah, Tbk., merger and acquisition, agrarian law, debt restructuring/settlement, intellectual property rights, construction, telecommunication, etc.
He has many experiences in contract or tort dispute settled by arbitration or court proceedings as he involved in represented PT. Pertamina (Persero) vs PT. Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama in the arbitration proceeding of Badan Arbitrase Nasional Indonesia on dispute of the execution of delayed payment note in accordance to TPPI Direct Agreement and Product Instrument (PDI) Implementation Agreement, represented PT. Elnusa, Tbk. Vs PT. Bank Mega, Tbk. (Mega Bank) in the proceeding at South Jakarta District Court for claiming Mega Bank’s responsibility for the loss of PT. Elnusa, Tbk.’s fund which was placed in Mega Bank as a time deposit due to fraud involving Chief of Supporting Branch of Mega Bank of Jababeka, and represented PT. Asuransi Jiwa Mega Indonesia vs PT. Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero), Tbk. (BTN) in the proceeding at Central Jakarta District Court for claiming BTN’s responsibility related to loss of PT. Asuransi Jiwa Mega Indonesia’s fund due to fraud involving Chief of Cash Office of BTN of Enggano, and many more.
He has many experiences in handling criminal proceedings especially corruption cases as he involved in the proceedings of Siti Hartati Murdaya (President Director of PT. Cipta Cakra Murdaya), Suroso Atmomartoyo (Former Refinery Director of PT. Pertamina (Persero), Bambang Irianto (Former Madiun Mayor), Yaqud Ananda Gudban (former member of DPRD Kota Malang), Ir. POERWITONO POEJI WAHJONO, MM (Wholesale Credit Risk at Bank Mandiri CBC Bandung I), TOTOK SUHARTO, SE (Acting Commercial Banking Head at Bank Mandiri CBC Bandung 1) as the First Level Decision Committee, FRANS EDUARD ZANDSTRA (Senior Relationship Manager at Bank Mandiri CBC Bandung 1), SURYA BARUNA SEMENGUK (Commercial Banking Manager at Bank Mandiri CBC Bandung 1), and TEGUH KARTIKA WIBOWO (Senior Credit Risk Manager at Bank Mandiri CBC Bandung 1), and many more.
He also has many experiences in handling debt payment suspension and bankruptcy proceedings as he involved in the debt payment suspension proceeding of ACG (South Bengara II), Pte. Ltd as defendant, PT. Trikomsel Oke, Tbk. as defendant, and PT. Petro Oil Tools (represented PT. Anantara Resources as applicant) and he involved in the bankruptcy proceeding of PT. Brent Ventura, and many more.
His comprehensive experiences and understanding of legal knowledge makes him capable to resolve any legal issue with creative and innovative solution.